Signature Project Concept
Rotary Club of Eugene Airport is committed to service in its local and world communities. Since its inception, our club has successfully participated in a variety of short-term local projects. The club now seeks to build on this work by fostering the development of a larger-scale local effort that is long-term and sustainable in addressing homelessness and housing security in our community.
Project Concept Considerations
- It is important to note that this project concept was developed prior to the onset of the coronavirus.
- It is not known at this time what impact(s) the progression of this disease will have on our community, or even how it might shape project proposals.
- However, our club remains committed to evaluating all proposals that address homelessness and housing security.
Signature Project Funding
- Proposed projects may be multi-phase and multi-year.
- First-year funding from this grant is estimated at $10,000, and may be increased at Airport Rotary’s option.
- Applications for lesser amounts will be also considered.
Signature Project Concept Timeline
- Fall 2018 Presentation of Concept to Club
- Spring 2019 Club Survey-Narrowed focus to a Project to Address Homelessness or Housing Security as primary interest
- Fall 2019 Community Survey –agencies who work in field in our club’s service area
- Winter 2020 Development of Request for Proposals (RFP) for community application
- Spring 2020 Board review of RFP
- Summer 2020 Club Presentation of RFP process at a club meeting
- Fall (by close of 2020) 2020 RFPs due by Mon. Dec. 14, 2020 at 5 p.m.
Projects will be evaluated on their:
- ability to address homelessness and housing security;
- use of other funding sources;
- utilization of Rotary Club of Eugene Airport volunteers in hands-on project elements;
- organization’s record of successful project implementations; and
- the proposal’s ability to effectively recognize Rotary Club of Eugene Airport’s role and participation in this work.
Process for proposal evaluation:
- Proposals will receive a preliminary evaluation by a sub-committee of club members, which may include personal interviews.
- The top proposals will be provided to and certified by the club’s Board of Directors as meeting required criteria.
- The organizations receiving this certification will be contacted and requested to present key aspects of their project to the club’s membership.
- Following presentations (estimated at 3), the club’s membership will select a proposal and recommended funding.
How can club members help?
- Provide feedback about Request for Proposals (RFP)
- Share RFP when published on club website
- Serve on reading and evaluation committee for proposals after deadline for applications
- Attend club meetings and evaluate proposal presentations based on rubric and survey
- Participate in the hands on project associated with the signature project
- Tell the story of our club’s signature project
Signature Project Project Committee Post Selection
- Monitor project (reports from recipient organization)
- Solicit support from area clubs
- Partner on related grant proposals
- Coordinate hands on service opportunity associated with project for club membership
- Ensure club signature on project is visible
- Publicize project
Click here for Agency Letter and Request for Proposals.
Questions, please contact